People Get Ready

[ make levees, not war ]

A change is gonna come

Posted by schroeder915 on March 11, 2007

Not that I mind people seeing ol’ boneless chicken when they visit, but I truly am falling behind. The Times-Picayune’s Mark Schleifstein, Bob Marshall, and Dan Swenson get enormous accolades for adding kindling to the fire by underscoring how important it is that Louisiana reverse the destruction of coastal wetlands in the next ten years! I may have more to say about that at another time, because I also have some great NASA imagery and reports on global warming and sea level rises that I’ve been holding on to.

Yep, after months of plotting, tweaking, evaluating, and screwing around, PGR is about to make the last move to a new host. Get ready to update those links, because a change is gonna come! This week! Bear with me, and then I’ll put all those juicy sidebar links back that used to be in the Blogger PGR.

I’ve got some ‘splainin’ to do. For now, I’ll just say I’ve been busy aiding other projects vital for the recovery of New Orleans. I ask everyone to join in these efforts to make a difference for a city we love, and which deserves our love in return.

6 Responses to “A change is gonna come”

  1. Kudos on the crime watch. Did anybody else find it weird that the guy who’s wanted for that violent French Quarter mugging is a suspect in three or four similar cases? So why was that the first one to make the news? If that couple hadn’t known people who were in a position to make noise, how many more would have gone unreported?

  2. That was poorly worded. Good idea, how do we make it work? Would have been better. Is there the public access to the police reports to make it work?

  3. Houma Hurricane Highway said

    Help save the coast before it is gone. There is a big plan to wipe out another Parish with a tidal surge. Read all about it here.

  4. Public access to police reports has always been an option. When’s the last time you trucked down to Tulane and Broad, or now, Perdido St., to find parking, go to the records room, and ask for police reports by item number to find out what happened in your neighborhood?

  5. Check this out: can we do the same thing here?

  6. Dambala said

    Schroeder….you’re a nomadic blogger. You can’t stay in one place. I can’t keep up with your URL’s. 🙂

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