People Get Ready

[ make levees, not war ]

Laissez le Saints rouler

Posted by schroeder915 on January 19, 2007

If the Saints win the Superbowl it’s like Katrina never happened, said Stephen Colbert … and monkey boy gets a pass for his pathetic response over the last year and a half?

Nyaaaah. One thing’s for sure, Bush will have to mention New Orleans for the first time since … since … uh … anyone remember?


Library Chronicles’ Jeff tipped me off that Stephen Colbert’s rooting for the Saints over Chicago in the NFC championship game, and why not? The Saints are America’s team (HT: TM, for the link to vote in the poll). Who dat nation is everywhere. This is our year.


With Sean Payton, Drew Brees, Joe Horn, Reggie Bush, John Carney, Marques Colston, Deuce McAlister, Scott Fujita, and more, plus a little Marie Laveau gris-gris, the Saints are unstoppable:

Gris-Gris is sometimes referred to as the iron fist of Voodoo due to its hammer-like quality of relentless pounding until the spell takes effect. Once a Gris-Gris spell is cast, the momentum slowly builds until it becomes an unstoppable force.

Hey, nothing will please me more than to see da Bears frozen out of the game. As a once-upon-a-time cheesehead and Packers fan, the rivalry never dies.

I can’t wait to see Loki dressed up as a Saintsation (HT: Lisa, The Garden of Irks and Delights).


Er … well, maybe I can wait after all.

(By the way, the least I can do for Saintsation Kirsten is to note that as a diabetes patient, she’d like to help Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation find a cure for diabetes.)

11 Responses to “Laissez le Saints rouler”

  1. Adrastos said

    Thanks for scaring the crap outta me, Blondie…

  2. jeffrey said


  3. FP said

    Go Bloggers!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The Guardian reports: “One of the most incongruous sights of the globalised age – the Starbucks coffee shop inside Beijing’s Forbidden City – could soon be a thing of the past after a furious online campaign for it to be relocated outside the palace’s 600-year-old walls.

    “In response to this latest demonstration of “netizen” power in China, the guardians of the ancient site have announced plans to review the presence of the Seattle-based coffee chain. A decision on its future will be made within six months, the local media reported today.

    “Along with Kentucky Fried Chicken and McDonald’s, Xingbake – the Mandarin name for Starbucks – are immensely popular in China. But the outlet inside the palace and close to the Hall of Preserving Harmony has stirred up controversy since its opened in 2000.”

  4. loki said

    Warning: I have pictures of you and I have Photoshop.

    Just couldn’t wait for the real thing, eh? Douchebag! (and I mean that in the kindest way)

  5. Schroeder said

    If the Saints lose, I will wear a douchebag in memory of Buddy D.

  6. TM said

    At least you gave Loki a nice set!

  7. KamaAina said

    At last — the Colbert tie-in I’ve been waiting for! A few weeks ago I was looking at online maps of Lakeview, because it appeared there might be an opportunity there for yours truly to bail on Paradise and join in the rebuilding effort (nope 😦 ), when I noticed the street that runs between Louisville and Milne Blvd. — Colbert St.! Pronouncing it “coal-BEAR” should come naturally to us; remember when he went to “Coal-BEAR” Co., Ala. a few weeks ago?

    Think about it. If the Colbert Nation can name a bridge in Hungary after the Last Hero, surely it can help rebuild the street named for him in one of the world’s great cities, complete with a Jackson Square-scale statue at the lake end. 🙂 I’m serious. I’m looking for a way to get this to the man himself. I even found online pix of floodwaters reaching nearly up to the street sign bearing his name:

    If that doesn’t do it, nothing will!

    P.S. Geaux Saints!

  8. “Couldn’t wait for the real thing”? You mean you’re going for the real deal in accoutrements, Loki? No thanks, I’ll stick with Photoshop.

  9. Erleichda! said

    I’m having a football party up here in Austin on Sunday … got one friend who hails from Louisiana who’s rooting for the Saints (and she never even watched football before this season), one friend who’s rooting for the Bears (we’re just gonna make fun of him), one friend who’s unaffiliated but in need of free food, and possibly another coupla stragglers coming over. Afterwards, we might storm Shoal Creek Saloon, a little place here in Austin where, for years, all the local Saints fans have gathered to watch the games.

    WHEN the Saints make it to the Superbowl I am driving to New Orleans that weekend to watch the game with my friends and my whatever-the-hell-he-is out in Jefferson Parish & then probably venture into the city. The celebration will be CRAAAAA-ZY!

  10. Everyone’s driving around town with the windows down screaming “Who Dat!” at random pedestrians. It would probably be annoying under other circumstances, but it’s really amusing — everyone’s giddy!

    Who dat say they gonna beat dem Saints?

  11. […] war seems to have been declared on me via the machinations of Schroeder, Lisa and (the most henous offender of all) Adrastos I am left wth no choice but to retaliate. Look […]

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