People Get Ready

[ make levees, not war ]

Kill corporate media

Posted by schroeder915 on November 15, 2006

David Letterman’s monologue on Monday (starts at 2:13):

Tomorrow President Bush is leaving for Vietnam. I guess this time his father couldn’t get him out of it.

Speaking of Vietnam, dangerblond had some thoughts about “staying the course” in a recent post which resonated with my own views:

He was wearing a cap that identified him as a Vietnam War veteran. He was angry and complaining about everything. She was murmuring to him to calm down. Suddenly, he went off on the national election results.


“They are going to get more soldiers killed! Just like Kerry did in Vietnam! That bastard!”


So, I guess if decorated war veterans like John Kerry had not publicly criticized the war in Vietnam, America could have “stayed the course” over there throughout the 1970s, and fewer soldiers would have been killed?


I appreciate this man’s service to our country, and he has the right to believe what he wants, but if people like him had not voted for George W. Bush in 2000, no American soldiers would have lost their lives in Iraq.


The other night Josh got on my case because I was slamming Republican senators and congresspeople who support the war and who have fighting-age children partying on daddy’s money instead of wearing the uniform of their country.


“Would you want your sons over there?”


No, I don’t. But if I really thought Iraq posed a danger to my country, not my country’s petroleum industry, I would be ashamed of my sons if they didn’t volunteer to fight.

I’ve always thought that the discussion shouldn’t be about “staying the course,” but about how many more lives we are willing to sacrifice. That’s right, I said “we,” because each of us, in what we do and say, are either contributing to, or fighting against, the prolonged commitment of American soldiers in Iraq. Each and every one of us has to make a decision about how many more lives and families we are willing to destroy, and to act accordingly in the way we talk about the occupation of Iraq.

Think about the sons and daughters, fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, who will return in body bags, never to see their children fulfilled, never to share in the joys of living with loved ones, never to have the moments of understanding that emerge when we grow old with close companions — 2,859 killed so far. And remember the more than 21,000 American soldiers thus far who will return, but whose bodies and minds have been shattered.

When the average is 65 American soldiers killed per month in Iraq, and assuming an occupation that persists until, let’s say another 24 months, that’s 1,560 more soldiers killed in Iraq — a casualty count that approaches 4,500. Whose names will be on that list?

We, as a nation, made a grave error by allowing George W. Bush and a bunch of other fratboy, draft-dodging, chickenhawk, neocon, corporate cronies to gin up the argument to have the war in Iraq which they wanted long before 9/11.

And now, in pro-administration, pro-Republican forums like WWL 870 AM, and the new Clear Channel Fox News format on 99.5 FM, talk show hosts are choreographing the discussion to “stay the course.” The word choreographing is far too elegant for what are really just a bunch of dumb rednecks spewing their ill-informed, narrow perspectives, while shutting off discussion — people like WWL’s Bob DelGiorno, who on Monday kept repeating the same tired line about “staying the course” while invalidating alternative viewpoints (if callers could even make it past the call screeners), and limiting the discussion to that single, simpleton talking point.

What does “staying the course” mean anymore? People should say what it really means. It really means: Keep Americans bogged down in a quagmire where insurgents are trying to kill them. It’s a quagmire, because as long as Americans are there, people will want to kill them because they’re country is being occupied, and more of them will want to kill us because our government sent them there. I don’t think we could get on top of that situation if we committed every fighting-aged person in America (as well as all the mercenaries we get from other countries who become citizens after serving in the U.S. military). The bigger the American presence there, the more we are resented. As dangerblond said, every single American would fight if an army invaded the United States.

Part of the problem is that we aren’t fighting an army. We aren’t fighting a state. We’re fighting an ideology, and ideologies only become more entrenched and extreme when they’re threatened by force. George W. Bush was absolutely pathetic in his inability to comprehend the nature of the response our nation needed to take to 9/11 attacks — or he and his friends shamelessly exploited the opportunity to get their war in Iraq.

One of the WWL callers on Bob-“aaah”-Del-“aaah”-Giorno’s show said he’d done five-tours in Iraq already — a dubious claim — and said that if we could see the people over there who feel threatened by the chaos, we’d want to continue the war/occupation. I don’t disagree that we owe them their safety (now that George W. Bush and the Republican Congress screwed up so badly), but I do disagree that we can do anything about it — short of evacuating half of the Iraqi population — because we are the problem.

Once people in Washington start admitting that we can’t stay there forever, then decisions can be made about how to get out as gracefully as possible, saving as many lives as possible. But that’s part of the problem. The neocons don’t want to leave Iraq. They want an American presence in Iraq in perpetuity, because the neocon ideology is entirely financed by the oil industry.

In its corporatist nature, and in its exploitation of the idea of individual victimization as a justification for opposing democratic resolution to conflict, it would be no mistake to call the neocon ideology fascist — and that should be the focus of discussion: what are American soldiers dying for? How is the way the debate is framed by the corporate power structure of our nation altering people’s perceptions of what the cause is, and what their personal stake is in the cause?

I’m disheartened by the breakdown in civil dialog in our country, where profit is the driving motive for limiting dialog to the partisan rancor and character assault that arises from the talking points of extreme ideological opponents.

A lot of us don’t realize that our democracy is being poisoned by the corporate stranglehold on media — the principal purveyor of ideas in the public square. If ideas are the oxygen of our democracy, ours is on life support.

Corporate control of ideas is accomplished in a direct manner through editorial decisions made by gatekeepers who decide what the story is; it’s done in a more insidious manner by dumbing down the information we get; and it’s done as a byproduct of the way we’ve structured media ownership in our country to allow for a greater concentration, which limits the number of perspectives presented for us to digest. The sum total effect is the creation of an entire population which lacks the ability to think critically, which is well-versed in the desired talking points, and which is malleable to the corporate power elite’s agenda.

Times-Picayune media reporter Dave Walker is one such tool of corporate media. He apparently lacks the critical thinking required to expose the evils of media ownership concentration. In a recent story, he wrote about Entercom replacing Air America Radio with WWL re-runs, he characterized the Entercom decision as a mere annoyance “irking local lefties still basking in their narrow reclamation of Congress,” as though only “lefties” wanted more accountability in Washington.

Walker failed to adequately describe how the breadth and depth of discussion about issues on the national agenda has been severely diminished by the decision. He failed to talk about how it isn’t good for our democracy, or our communities, when a combined 13 radio stations in New Orleans are owned by Pennsylvania-based Entercom, and Texas-based Clear Channel. He failed to mention that programming changes are made by corporate owners, not based upon the needs of the community, or our democracy, but upon an excessively high rate of return demanded by the corporate media ownership structure of radio.

In his token ceremonial piece, Walker referred to lower Arbitron ratings on WSMB (while hosting the Air America format) compared to WWL. He failed to mention that WWL reaches a wide swath of the southern United States, while WSMB is only heard in New Orleans. He failed to mention the highly questionable validity of Arbitron ratings. He failed to mention the fact that Entercom never promoted the Air America format on WSMB — a critical consideration in a world in which people have been generally so turned off by radio over the years, that they don’t even bother to look for worthwhile content.

Walker mindlessly transcribed Entercom executives’ quotes:

“Because of the storm, it was hard to launch that kind of programming in the marketplace, when so many people were concerned with survival, not philosophy. We think this is a better use of the 1350 frequency at this place and this time.


“This is a better choice based on what audiences and advertisers are telling us.”

Walker never asked why, if Entercom thinks New Orleanians can’t handle “philosophy,” they should continue to be subjected to Rush Limbaugh’s rantings on WWL in the prime midday schedule. He never questioned why, if Entercom is so interested in the survival issues of New Orleans residents, it broadcasts 15 hours a week of sports, 20 hours a week of time travel and alien abductions, and 15 hours a week of food talk. He never asked what content Entercom provides on the other three radio stations it owns in New Orleans.

When, on Monday, Clear Channel changed WRNO from a stale rock format, to Fox News and partisan right-wing talk, Walker wrote another dull report, once again providing a non-threatening forum for another media giant to justify its tactics:

The new format’s mission is “to be an activist voice in the improvement of New Orleans,” said Dick Lewis, New Orleans-based regional vice president for Clear Channel.

It took Clear Channel 14 months to figure out that New Orleanians might need more information about how to rebuild their lives and their neighborhoods? And in the end, what are they giving us? Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, convicted insurance commissioner Jim Brown, and Ray Nagin’s key advisor — the Republican most responsible for the amazing disappearing mayor’s re-election — Rob Couhig. Hmm … I wonder if we’ll hear any criticism of the mayor on Couhig’s program.

Wanna know how the new activist station handles true activism? Try calling the station to complain about the addition of yet another partisan format to the radio dial.

I called on Monday to make my comments on air during Andre Trevigne’s debut. She’s another apologist for the Bush administration, but I simply wanted to state that generally, I didn’t think New Orleans needed another right-wing radio station. The girl who answered the phone said that Andre wasn’t talking about programming on her show. I replied that Trevigne should be talking about programming, because, at the very least, the decision to move to talk radio, ostensibly to give New Orleanians another forum for recovery information, was belated, and at worst, disingenuous. Once again, if Clear Channel were so interested in serving the New Orleans community, why dump Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly on us? The phone girl explained that Andre Tevigne doesn’t make the programming decisions. She just works there. I replied that Andre Trevigne, and everyone else who works at a Clear Channel station, has made a choice to support the programming decisions by working there. The girl sounded troubled. She sounded like she might be, for the first time, questioning her decision to work for Clear Channel, and then offered me another phone number I could call to comment on the programming change.

Here’s that number: 679-7300. Ask for Mike Cramer. I doubt he’ll answer. I haven’t gotten through to anyone at Entercom or Clear Channel who cared to talk about programming decisions. But leave Mike a message, and tell him what you think of Clear Channel’s decision to create another forum for right-wing partisan lies.

Later, I called the FCC to see if there was anyone there I could talk to. The woman who answered said I had to make a complaint in writing. I’ve been able to phone in complaints before, but apparently, that was during the Clinton administration — before the federal government became an ideological fortress against criticism.

The FCC woman did engage me in a discussion, only to tell me that the FCC doesn’t govern programming decisions. I stated that my complaint wasn’t simply about programming decisions, but the fact that Clear Channel and Entercom aren’t using their New Orleans licenses responsibly, making programming decisions that don’t reflect the needs of the New Orleans community. The woman told me that she couldn’t state her opinion about ownership matters, but again told me that the FCC doesn’t rule on programming matters. I replied that my complaint centered on programming precisely because it is executives of corporate media companies making the decisions about what we in New Orleans should have to listen to. I said it was reprehensible what the FCC was allowing to happen here in New Orleans, and elsewhere around the country. Again, a pause, as the woman silently acknowledged that a wrong was being committed. And then she started to navigate through the FCC Web site so she could give me addresses where I could file my complaint.

If you want to call the FCC, don’t wade through the menu of options. Just dial “0” when you get dumped into the menu: 888-225-5322.

In coming days, I’ll be writing (and posting) formal letters of complaint to the FCC, and sending copies to Entercom and Clear Channel. And in an upcoming post, I’ll be writing about how the ratings game played by corporate executives has parsed up the population of listeners over the years into an ever diminishing pool, as bad programming leads to fewer and fewer listeners, and more segmentation of bad listeners leads to worse and worse programming.

I know a lot of people are turned off by radio. So am I. I know that what was once a public medium has been so polluted by corporate control over the years that it is toxic to the ears of many people who have turned instead to satellite radio and iPods.

It ain’t bad everywhere though, folks. There are models for success in other parts of the country where ownership is still independent and community-based. I believe we can create media that responds to the needs and desires of our communities, and our democracy. But we have to participate in the debate for that to happen.

Don’t kill your radio. Kill the system that makes your radio a weapon of the opposition.

19 Responses to “Kill corporate media”

  1. goerge sanders said

    Here is a little review of historical fact for those Repuglicans who seem to be deluded by Rush Limbaugh (fat drug fiend), Ann Coulter (she’s really a guy) and Bill O’Reilly (cowardly pathological liar) into thinking that Democrats are somehow wimpy. They aren’t. They are MACHO. In some cases, recklessly macho. And the facts are all right there in the history of our country: War of 1812: In our first war as the United States of America, we are led by James Madison, junior partner of Thomas Jefferson and one of the founders of the Democratic Party. Not only that, but we take on the leading military power of the age, the British Empire!

    Mexican-American War: We fought the Mexicans and annexed lots of their land! All under the Administration of Jacksonian DEMOCRAT James Polk! Mexico was pretty much our only neighbor at that time, and this was the first war that the United States actually achieved a decisive victory in! WHAT MACHISMO!

    World War 1: Woodrow Wilson leads the nation into the war in Europe, tipping the balance and leading to German defeat. At the same time, he introduces concepts which revolutionize the practice of international relations. Wilson was, you guessed it, a DEMOCRAT.

    World War 2: The great struggle for freedom against fascist tyranny was led by none other than Franklin Delano Roosevelt – a DEMOCRAT IN A WHEELCHAIR! Whattaman!

    Korean War: The opening war of the Cold War was begun under Roosevelt’s successor, good old “the buck stops here” Harry S. Truman. While we are at it, let’s point out that Truman also began the policy of containment and thus marks the beginning of the Cold War. Truman was a DEMOCRAT, and a downright feisty one too.

    Vietnam War: Well, this was a pretty boneheaded move, but we sent the troops in under none other than Lyndon Johnson! I ask you, does this sound like a party of WIMPS? I think not. Excepting the Civil War, the Spanish-American War, and the two Iraq Wars, Democrats have been behind all the wars in this nation’s history, including the BOTH WORLD WARS. Why, Democrats are the biggest bunch of warmongers in American political history! Win the war on terror. Vote for a proven war record.

    Not to mention that George Tennet was in hot pursuit of Bin Laden way before Bush even heard the name.

  2. f p said

    2008 Democrat convention to go to New Orleans.

    lets get some folks behind this,

  3. f p said

    There’s a terrific front-page Globe article today on Carol Shea-Porter’s astounding victory in New Hampshire’s first congressional district. My favorite excerpts:

    Shea-Porter and [campaign manager Sue Mayer] were told they needed to raise money — perhaps as much as $1 million — but they never really tried. Instead, Mayer said, she used her master’s degree studies in medieval history to spread Shea-Porter’s message by word of mouth, learning lessons from centuries-old rebellions that turned on word of mouth and “spread like wildfire.”

    Excellent — bringing 13th century technology to a 21st century campaign! And then there’s this gem about Shea-Porter’s relationship with the Beltway gang:

    Democrats are beginning to learn Shea-Porter’s name. The morning after the election, the DCCC called with its first offer of financial support. “They asked us if we wanted them to pay our debt, and we told them we didn’t have any,” Shea-Porter said. “But it was nice of them to offer.”

  4. Thanks for the shout-out! Schroeder, I was fantasizing about you and I hosting a liberal call-in show in New Orleans. We have totally got the chops to do it. Who do we have to fuck to make it happen?

  5. Tom Pratt said


    Is there anyone here that could help? :

    Also check out how this community gets access to local media:

  6. I have found this very amusing. When I tell people that we have a locally owned radio station that is focused on this city, I get looks like I am a nut. WIST AM 690 is locally owned and operated. We answer only to our listeners and to ourselves. We have a tagline of “conservative talk”. What does that mean to you? To us, it means a government that does not waste tax payer dollars on bs. A government that keeps their nose out of Tom Dick and Harry’s business. A government that is focused on LESS GOVERNMENT, not a bloated over sized pig that thinks it can solve everyone’s problems. We focus on getting this city back for everyone- except the murderers and the thieves. Now if that’s “right-wing” to you, so be it. But we are offering a different option than the corporate radio gods (who by the way continue to try and take our programs!!). Complain all you want to the FCC, it won’t matter. You think they treat listeners like crap? Be a stand alone radio station and see how you get crapped on.

    The Frazier

  7. less is more said

    Less is More! The less they know , the more money we make. The less they regulate the more environmental havoc we can cause, so that we can make more money! What do we care if the MR-go is huricane highway! As long as business owners make money and emplyees are paid less than living wages. Then when they can not afford medical help we can just make middle class people pay higher taxes to take care of the poor. But aslong as rich affluent business owners can buy stock at last years prices and dump it tomorrow at a huge profit it does not matter that workers are not allowed to sell the same stocks from their pensions. Rules that apply to one caste of people sure don’t apply to another affluent group.

    But really Frazier, What are you going to do When Clear Channel buys all the stations and lays off all the real live Local DJ’s.

    You should check out!

    Community is the new Monopoly!

  8. Larry Evans said

    The purpose of the current Republican establishment is not conservatism. It is not interested in small government, nor fiscal discipline, nor business laissez faire, nor ‘moral values’. The Republican purpose is power. Absolute power. They want to achieve a one-party state: Republican, of course. To do this they have converted the old influence-peddling loops between self-interest groups and the government into solid Republican Rings of Corruption. The biggest corruption ringmaster was none other than Republican leader of the House, Representative Tom DeLay

    The founders of our country were worried about ‘factions’. They wanted to prevent self-interest groups from achieving undue influence with the government. And of course, over the years many self-interest groups – especially, Big Business – did become too powerful. Self-interest groups influenced legislators and executives, hired lobbyists to appropriately dispense political contributions to one party or another, and wrote bills for legislators to vote on.

    A loop of corruption was developed between legislators on one hand and lobbyists for industry and other self-interest groups on the other end. Lobbyists gave campaign money and legislators awarded the clients of these lobbyists with legislation that helped them make more money. For clients of lobbyists this was a wonderful deal: They contributed thousands and got millions in return.

    Both Republicans and Democrats participated in such lucrative loops. They were feedback loops between self-interest groups and government. No longer. Under the current Republican establishment, the loop consists of self-interest groups and the Republican Party. The Republicans are telling lobbyists that they will not get goodies if they contribute anything to Democrats; all contributions must go to Republicans.

    Republicans are converting these feedback loops into more solid Rings of Corruption. Lobbyists and their corporate clients think that they are in the driver’s seat, but they are not. The Republicans are running the show – for the purpose of achieving unquestioned control. Eventually, they will tell their clients when and how to contribute in order to get goodies. How long will it be before clients are asked to contribute merely to stay in the Republican Party’s good graces? Or the FCC’s for that matter?

  9. mominem said

    I think Entecoms decision mostly had to do with business.

    According to Arbitron ratings WSMB was 21st in the market out of 27 stations and had lost about 25% of its audience since the last ratings period. It might also have something to do with Air America filing bankruptcy.

  10. Hey Dan Frazier. Congratulations for buying into the whole right-wing talk show format. How long has your brainwashing been going on?

    I’m sorry I didn’t find WIST until Monday, but I don’t think I’ll be back.

    It’s not enough Dan, to just say you’re conservative, or Republican, because you’re for lower taxes. Nobody wants their tax dollars wasted, but just handing tax refunds to the super wealthy doesn’t make government more efficient. I’ve worked in a variety of government and government contract positions in various sectors. Let me tell you, it’s been a defeating lesson in government excess to learn how our tax dollars are spent at the local, state, and federal level. But that hasn’t shaken my faith in the need for the government to curb private excesses, and to bridge the gaps where the private sector fails to provide the essential services that make our country liveable. Yes, that does mean subsidized child care, housing, and health care, and even a welfare check if that’s needed. The costs far outweigh the consequences of not doing whatever we can to help those in need. Is government flawed? Is corporate America flawed?

    We absolutely need more accountability, but like their president, Republican voters and talking heads have been AWOL for the last 6 years while the Bush administration got us mired in the worst quagmire in American history, doubled the national debt, passing the Chinese loans onto every baby born in America today (a form of tax increase), increased secrecy, increased barriers to basic government information, increased the ability of the government to stick “their nose” into “Tom Dick and Harry’s business” through measures like the “Patriot Act,” bans on civil unions, and reduced funding for scientific advances in stem cell research.

    Don’t be so vain as to believe that you’re the only ones who want a New Orleans rebuilt that’s safer than it was before — that’s just more of the sociopathic attitude of right-wingers that they’re victims of society. We all want a better New Orleans. How we get there, however, will require more than just feeding talking points to the community. It will require a truly open mind about gathering, studying, and sharing information — and *I do mean you* when I say that.

    “Conservative talk radio”: it’s such a ridiculous format. If you really cared about presenting truthful information, you wouldn’t filter it through your ideology before you research and present it.

    I wish you and your station luck, but I’m afraid your tired format won’t be able to survive the technological changes and continuing consolidation that are bearing down upon us if you don’t identify a better niche.

  11. Lenny Zimmermann said

    Heck, I’d just like to have a radio station that plays Adult Alternative/Hard Rock/Punk/Metal/whatever-they-call-it-this-week around here!

    Than again on the national scene my favorite radio show is actually the Penn Jillette show ( out of Las Vegas. (Check for the latest 5 shows if you’d like a sampling.) Then again most folks here know I’m that Libertarian wingnut anyway who firmly believes that our government normally just gets used to empower big corporations (by happily regulating in all the ways a big company can afford to deal with, while burying small businesses in red tape and BS. It seems to me government tends to create far more problems then it solves and is too easily abused by those *sough*Bush*cough* who would use it for nefarious *cough*Cheney*cough* purposes. ;))

  12. The Frazier said

    Interesting take but I think I get what it’s about now. See if you listened to the station more than once or 5 minutes or whatever, you would hear all of our host talking about BOTH parties being the problem. I had to read more of your blog to get that the Dems are always right and the Repubs are always wrong. How bout some really free thinking Schrod….that both parties are focused on power and you me and all the other nobodys lose. So keep spouting about those evil conservatives or repubs (I’m a independent by the way, 2 host are libertarians, 1 is a repub and 2 are Dem’s) and how fantastic the dem’s are….When you step out of the brainwashing that the two party system has given you, give us a listen then, maybe you’ll get it that time

  13. Larry Stevens said

    If you are so open minded Frazier, and you have read Schroder’s Blog like you say. Then Why don’t you tell us about two or three items that you actually agree with him on. The way I see it is that all your politicians get swept up in different camps here. They do all end up serving some other intrest more than the voters. Half the time the voters are caught up in the same mess too. Politicians can’t make right changes that popular consensus is calling against, even when they know it is the right thing to do. Conservatives and libertarians have some good ideas and it is good to embrace diversity of ideas too. for a lot of what is going it would help people of New Orleans to think of themselves as being in the New Orlenian party before the others. How about some bi-partisaan or tri-partisan intiatives to tackle some of the issues that we all care about like corruption and category 5 levees? Why focus on what divides us?

  14. Frazier said

    Sure, I agree with him on many things actually:

    George Bush is a moron
    He Might even be the Anti-Christ, I’m still researching that
    He led us to a war for the wrong reasons

    Corruption of government is not limited to just one party

    Media consolidation has destroyed the way the public receives important information (TV, Radio and Newspaper ownership crossing lines)

    The Saints are Super Bowl bound

    Historic New Orleans must be preserved at almost any cost

    New Orleanians need more voices and information than the “spinned” info they get from the corporate media giants

    We agree on alot.

    Screaming and hollering about media consolidation won’t do any good unless we all attempt to support the few local voices left.

    You may not agree with everything the radio station says or does but if your looking for a local option, there is one. Everyone of our local host says the following: I’m not a Repbulican or a Democrat, I’m a New Orleanian first.

    Conservative does not equal Republican nor does Liberal equal Democrat. Until we as citizens stop identifying ourselves by these labels and groups and start demanding more from these people, nothing will get done nor will there be change.

    The radio station puts the onus on the host: Have an opinion and do your research. We don’t pick what subjects to discuss or to avoid. We take calls from everyone, agree or disagree. We discuss race relations, Cat 5 levees, The LRA scam, The Road home disaster, coastal restoration, Nagin’s disappearing act, Corp of Engineers mishaps, how the two parties are fighting to control this region and other vital subjects on a daily basis. Blanco, Nagin, Broussard et all won’t come on the station because we’ve been too tough on them. Landrieu (Mitch and Mary), Vitter, Jindal, Melancon, all of the city council and other “leaders” will come on because we are fair and ask the tough questions.

  15. F P said


    That is Awesome, So what about the this Democratic Convention? Can somebody tell the rest of America that we ARE open for business?

    Despite the fact that New Orleans in July pulled out of the running for the 2008 Democratic convention, word keeps going around in Democratic circles that the Ds should nominate their presidential candidate in the Big Easy…

    I get the feeling this about our officials being embarrassed to have people here asking a bunch of questions. Well you know what. We can not afford to be embarrassed.

    Also, you should probably consider posting something at to let some of the community there know about your station and how it stands out from the rest of the robot stations. A lot of people from out of town check into that community to see how things are going back home. They may not be up to speed with what is happening on the radio scene.

  16. Dan,

    Nice points. I’ll pay more attention to WIST in the future, but I’m not optimistic that I’ll change my perspective after more than five minutes — or ten minutes.

    You say I’m only critical of Republicans. I’m equally critical of Democrats, when blame is due. Democrats as much as Republicans can be destructive or progressive to our society. I just find *more* of the things that are *most* important being really screwed up by the Republicans currently in office. In many respects, I’d say that Richard Nixon accomplished more than Bill Clinton, but he also contributed to more American lives being destroyed in Vietnam long before he was ever president. I also, in no way, equate Bill Clinton’s crime of lying about the meaning of the word “it”, with Richard Nixon’s tactics of undermining the Constitution to get himself re-elected. One needs to have a nuanced view of these things — keep them in balance; keep them in perspective; consider the long-term consequences of policy.

    How about *you* admit that Democrats do some good. How about you take a little more nuanced position than just saying that all government is bad, or that the Democrats want power as much as the Republicans. I have news for you my friend, the Libertarians and Greens want power as much as the Republicans and Democrats. What’s the point if you don’t seek power to advance your own agenda if you believe in it.

  17. another local station said

    Hey, Can we get Dan Frazier to cover some of these events? Check it out by clicking here

  18. F P said

    here is great local link


    by BOB WALKER (Rated PG)

  19. T- Thibideaux said

    One Thing is Crystal Clear: Clear Channel is a Subsidiary of Bush, Inc

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